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Why we start losing muscle mass around middle age



Why we start losing muscle mass around middle age

As we reach middle age, a battle begins within our bodies – one against muscle loss. But why does this happen, and what can we do to win this fight and maintain our strength?

G Sushma, Clinical Dietician at CARE Hospitals Banjar Hills, Hyderabad, sheds light on the science behind muscle loss and shares strategies to keep your muscles strong and healthy.

Several factors join forces to contribute to muscle loss around middle age, she said. Let’s explore these key villains:

Hormonal Shifts: As we age, our bodies produce less testosterone and growth hormone, crucial players in muscle maintenance and growth. Women experiencing menopause may also face additional challenges due to declining estrogen levels.

Less Activity, More Muscle Shrinkage: Our activity levels often decrease with age, leading to muscle atrophy. Remember, “use it or lose it” applies to muscles too!

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Metabolic Slowdown: Our bodies’ metabolic rates slow down with age, leading to a potential imbalance where muscle protein breakdown outpaces muscle protein synthesis.

Neuronal Decline: A gradual decrease in motor neurons, responsible for muscle movement and strength, can also contribute to muscle loss.

Chronic Inflammation: Low-grade inflammation, often increasing with age, can be another foe in the battle against muscle mass.

Middle ages fifties exercise By understanding the reasons behind muscle loss and implementing these strategies, you can take control and maintain your strength and vitality throughout your life. (File/ Freepik)

Fighting back: Strategies for a strong and healthy you

The good news is, you can combat muscle loss and maintain your strength! Here are some effective weapons in your arsenal:

Become a Regular at the “Muscle Gym”: Regular physical activity, especially resistance training, is key. Strength training helps stimulate muscle growth and keeps your muscles engaged.

Fuel Your Muscles with Protein: Protein is the building block of muscle. Adequate protein intake provides the amino acids your muscles need for repair and growth, especially after exercise.

A Balanced Diet is Your Ally: Eat a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals. A healthy diet supports overall health and provides the foundation for strong muscles.

Move It or Lose It – Literally: Incorporate various types of physical activity, including cardio and flexibility exercises, to maintain overall fitness.

Rest and Recharge: Prioritise proper rest and recovery. Muscles need time to repair and rebuild after exercise.

In some cases, hormone replacement therapy might be an option, but always consult with a healthcare professional before making any decisions.

By understanding the reasons behind muscle loss and implementing these strategies, you can take control and maintain your strength and vitality throughout life. Remember, a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, a balanced diet rich in protein, and adequate rest is the recipe for success in your fight against muscle loss.

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First uploaded on: 28-06-2024 at 13:45 IST

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