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What’s new at the Mu? Clothing of Gilded Age in new show



What’s new at the Mu? Clothing of Gilded Age in new show

MassMu’s Dazzling Summer Exhibition—Gilding Northeast Ohio: Fashion and Fortune 1870–1900

Guests will immerse themselves in the opulence of the final decades of the 19th century when they visit the Massillon Museum’s next exhibition, “Gilding Northeast Ohio: Fashion and Fortune 1870–1900.” They will see the glamour of the region’s millionaires during that era of prosperity and progress and they will learn about the workers who made that lifestyle possible.


Guest curated by Brian Centrone of New York, Gilding Northeast Ohio can first be viewed Saturday, but the opening “Par-Tea,” with refreshments and teas, will be presented from 2 to 5 p.m. June 9. The reception will be free and open to everyone, and no reservations will be required.

In addition to garments and accessories from the Massillon Museum’s permanent collection, clothing from Kent State University Museum, Western Reserve Historical Society and William McKinley Presidential Library and Museum will be displayed. Three costumes worn in HBO’s “The Gilded Age” series will be included.

Extravagant vignettes have been inspired by an opera box, train car, hot air balloon gondola and wedding dinner. More than 50 gowns, menswear, accessories, Gilded Age photographs, President McKinley ephemera and a sleigh fill MassMu’s main gallery.

The Museum and its community partners will present many complementary exhibitions and events including two events with Carrie Coon, one of the stars of HBO’s “The Gilded Age.” For details, visit

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