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Travel Nurse Enjoys Races Big Or Small



Travel Nurse Enjoys Races Big Or Small

Photo by Shelley Hanson

Travel nurse Michael Noble of Charleston, South Carolina, prepares to run the Ogden Newspapers Half Marathon on Saturday.

WHEELING – Travel nurse Michael Noble of Charleston, South Carolina, decided to try the Ogden Newspapers Half Marathon Classic for the first time on Saturday.

He has been working up and down the East Coast and is now on assignment at a Pittsburgh hospital.

“I’ve never been to West Virginia. I like the mountains; they make me feel like loose,” he said.

Noble said he ran the Pittsburgh Marathon a couple weeks ago and figured the Ogden Newspapers Half Marathon Classic would be a piece of cake. He admitted he did not know about the race’s famous hills before signing up for it.

“After the Pittsburgh Marathon, I thought everything else would be easy,” he said.

Noble said he enjoys road racing and running because it makes him feel good and like he is accomplishing something. After years of living a not-so-healthy lifestyle he decided to get in shape and run. Noble enjoys setting goals and meeting personal records while racing.

He encourages others to try running or just getting out there and moving one’s body. As a travel nurse, Noble said he sees a lot of patients who are not able to use their bodies like others.

“Enjoy the moment … be grateful for the moment you can run,” he said.

Noble said he enjoys running because it makes him happy. He also enjoys the community of runners.

“I like racing wherever I’m at. Big or small I like to run and compete,” he said.

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