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This Mother-In-Law Asked For Money For The Gifts She Gave To Her New Grandchild



This Mother-In-Law Asked For Money For The Gifts She Gave To Her New Grandchild

This Redditor shared their situation in the r/JUSTNOMIL subreddit, and this story sounds like it could be the plot of Monster-in-Law 2.

The title of the OP’s story is, ‘MIL “Kindly” bought us gifts and dinners while in Hospital having our baby—Venmo requested the balance from me when we got out.’ She wrote, “The title says most of it. MIL kept track of all the expenses we ‘accrued’ in the hospital for having our baby. We thought the meals and supplies were kind gestures because my in-laws are freaking LOADED, and we NEVER asked for anything. 

Come to find out, she Venmo requested it all to be paid back the day we got home (and discovered that we would have to go back to the PICU for our daughter’s complications). We’ve since discovered what a narcissist is, and she is a full-blown narcissist and addicted to spending money for herself. It really hurt us, especially since I was just laid off (since then, I got a new job). It was basically like I gave her my credit card to spend at her discretion and had no idea. Am I overreacting, or should I still be upset at her?” asked the OP. 

Note: Some of this submission has been edited for length and/or clarity.

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