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The pope and his distant travels?



The pope and his distant travels?

Will Pope Francis go to Asia? This question is on many lips at the Vatican these days, a few weeks after the mid-April announcement of a long papal trip planned for the end of the summer. The pope is scheduled to visit four countries from September 2 to 13: Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor, and the city-state of Singapore. The 12-day journey would be the longest trip of Francis’ pontificate.

In the corridors of the Apostolic Palace, skepticism about this packed schedule remains strong. How could a pope, regularly facing health issues, undertake such a visit just three months shy of his 88th birthday? “He really seems to want it,” commented a Vatican source, “but he’s testing God…” In other words, it could be the end of him. Even his friends find it hard to believe. “I don’t see how he could go, it seems crazy,” said one who recalled that Francis was known for his unwavering determination. As a precaution, the Vatican abandoned adding Vietnam to the list of countries visited. Similarly, Francis’ entourage convinced him not to attend the United Nations General Assembly in New York less than two weeks after his return from Asia. It would be too exhausting, admitted the former Archbishop of Buenos Aires, who had agreed to attend the international summit.

Yet, in Rome, preparations are already underway. The “advance” teams, as they are called, work tirelessly on the travel program and the logistics and security that accompany any papal trip. On-site preparations have also begun at the small airport in Dili, the capital of East Timor, and work is underway to accommodate the papal plane. “After his health issues this past winter, the pope seems to be in great shape,” said one senior official of the Roman Curia. Francis, who sometimes has more than 10 appointments in one day, does not doubt his presence in Asia. In September, he plans to visit these four countries, regardless of the reservations and doubts whispered within the walls of Vatican City.

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