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The number one mistake most travel photographers make



The number one mistake most travel photographers make

We all have one or two dream destinations that inspire us to plan the ultimate adventure and take photos that immortalize it. However, as we also find out soon enough, not everything goes to plan when it comes to travel photography. Still, there are things you can do to make the experience a lot more enjoyable and productive despite the challenges, setbacks and unexpected detours along the way.

In the video above, UK-based adventure photographer and filmmaker Rick Bebbington shares his travel around Yellowstone and the Grand Teton National Parks. At the start of the video, he posed a question for all intrepid travel photographers out there. “Have you ever been somewhere that you’ve always dreamed of going but have just been a little bit disappointed with the images that you’ve got from there?” Having gone through this exact predicament, he knows how frustrating it can be, given all the planning and expense that goes through such trips.

So, if you’re now going through feelings of disappointment due to underwhelming photos — or want to be prepared for the possibility — Bebbington has an advice for you. Let go of any expectations you may have prior to the trip. Don’t expect everything to be the same as what you found from your research or travel videos you may have watched. There are many things that will be totally out of your control — the weather, for one.

“The sooner we can accept that, the better things you can do to improve your chances of getting good shots,” he reminds. Not having any expectations will free you from the limitations of any pre-conceived images you may have before your trip. He adds, “just roll with it and immerse yourself in the place you’re in and your photography.”

Did you ever have the same experiences that Bebbington described? Do you agree with any of the insights he shared about travel photography? Let’s talk about it in the comments!

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