“Dinosaurs: A Story of Survival,” a new production created specifically for the full-dome format, opens in the Delta College Planetarium at 2 p.m. on Saturday, June...
Within this section, we present our conceptual framework for interoperability, provide an overview of the practical implementation details of our PoC, and describe the evaluation of...
Jebeile, H., Kelly, A. S., O’Malley, G. & Baur, L. A. Obesity in children and adolescents: epidemiology, causes, assessment, and management. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 10, 351–365....
French founder of artificial intelligence startup Mistral AI, Arthur Mensch, attends the Viva Technology show at Parc des Expositions Porte de Versailles in Paris, France, on...
An Omaha-based nonprofit that helps refugees find careers hopes to highlight the impact of refugees on the local economy in light of World Refugee Day. The...
OECD. Investing in Climate, Investing in Growth [Internet]. 1st ed. OECD, editor. Paris: OECD; 2017. Available from: https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/economics/investing-in-climate-investing-in-growth_9789264273528-en European-Commission. COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008...
But if you feel conflicted about this new technology, you’re not alone. Researchers can’t seem to agree on if, and how, workers are using AI: Some...
The modern method of coming up with new materials is to make something and then use a computer to work out whether the material came out...
Zoom In IconArrows pointing outwards Merck’s new pneumococcal vaccine. Courtesy: Merck The Food and Drug Administration on Monday approved Merck‘s new vaccine designed to protect adults...
The Food and Drug Administration on Monday approved Merck‘s new vaccine designed to protect adults from a bacteria known as pneumococcus that can cause serious illnesses...
Each year, one million individuals receive chemotherapy in the United States alone. Cancer remains the leading cause of death globally, resulting in 10 million deaths in...
“What we have here is something incredibly simple,” said Tianwei Wu, the study’s lead author. “We can reprogram it, changing the laser patterns on the fly.”...