In the glittering world of real-life high society, Hannah Dodd is a name that commands as much attention as her Netflix alter-ego Francesca Bridgerton. Hannah is...
She’s spilling the secrets. Comedian Nikki Glaser, 39, who took part in the roast of Tom Brady on Netflix, has revealed the real reason why the...
Word about the ton is that Bridgerton has once again enraptured Netflix audiences. Season 3 debuted with its first four episodes last week, attracting 45.1M views...
Have you ever professed feelings to the love of your life while a Pitbull song was playing in the background? Oh, you haven’t? You should give...
Ubisoft formally revealed Assassin’s Creed Shadows on May 15, and like 2015’s Assassin’s Creed Syndicate before it, it will feature not one but two playable characters....