In April 2021, Paul Lee took a vacation to Thailand. Five months later, he decided to leave the United States behind and make a permanent move...
Cars are not allowed on the Culdesac’s streets, and residents can’t park their own vehicles on site. Residents are offered discounts on transportation services like Waymo,...
“Initially, people thought that we were crazy for wanting to turn an abandoned baseball stadium into apartments,” Cox, the principal at Core Redevelopment, tells CNBC Make...
An apartment complex in Indianapolis, Indiana, went viral earlier this year when a real estate and investment firm shared a post on X that called it...
CNBC Make It analyzed rent estimate data from Apartment List for April 2023 to April 2024, filtering metropolitan statistical areas, as defined by the Census Bureau,...
In May, the national median monthly rent was $1,404, down almost 1% from same month last year, according to a June Apartment List report. Rent costs across...
“We knew we didn’t necessarily want to move back straight away but more as a long-term investment and we could maybe retire there,” Knighten tells CNBC...
In a 2023 Deadline interview, the 69-year-old actor revealed he took out a mortgage on a 10-acre plot of undeveloped coastline he purchased in 2006 for...
The New York City housing lottery program helps residents find affordable housing, including rent-stabilized apartments. The Department of Housing Preservation and Development defines affordable housing as...