On Sunday, the daughter of the late Nobel Prize-winning Canadian author Alice Munro revealed a dark secret that sent the literary world reeling. It serves as...
“She-Hulk” star Tatiana Maslany put a newly-enshrined-into-law parental rights law on blast, calling the measure “absurd” and an “overreach.” “It should not be in the control of...
Yet, she says, “Whenever we would decide on the CEO of a smaller brand, Robert would look at the two men (on the executive committee), and...
This article is part of our new editorial package, where we seek to answer the question: what would fashion look like if more women were in...
A same-sex married couple in Omaha filed a complaint with the Omaha Human Rights and Relations board Thursday accusing Genesis Health Clubs of discrimination. The ACLU...
June 15, 2024 – 6:00pm Anyone who’s been paying attention to queer politics will have noticed that activist language never stands still but constantly marches Leftward....
Reading time: 2 minutes Full-time working women in Hawaiʻi made 86 cents for every dollar earned by a man, while the national average was 84 cents...
Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are key to developing sustainable infrastructure that contributes to meeting global development goals. Well-designed PPPs can improve infrastructure service delivery and management, incentivize...