Prince Harry, once a prominent figure in the lively British social circles and a decorated member of the British Army, is reportedly experiencing a wave of...
The owner of an Oakland, California, gas station was sidelined by a flash mob robbery that saw dozens of criminals ransack the business on Friday, especially...
A California family’s massive Trader Joe’s receipt recently went viral on social media, sparking a debate about which grocery stores are affordable for families. In a video that’s...
Will the fight be as entertaining as the brawl? Nate Diaz’s team and Jorge Masvidal’s team threw down during a news conference June 6 in Anaheim,...
A mob of looters ransacked an Oakland gas station convenience store and caused thousands of dollars in damage as the frustrated store manager claimed police took...
There are some new rules in California. Starting Monday, some of the hundreds of new laws passed by lawmakers and signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom last...
Those 3, 5 and 20% fees at the bottom of your menu could be here to stay. With little time to spare, a new law will...
The conductor of the classic Napa Valley Wine Train is using the old ride to blaze a new path. For 35 years, the train has transported...
Dozens of travelers crowd into a gate while waiting to board their flight from Terminal 2 at Oakland International Airport in Oakland, Calif., in 2020. Friday...
A recent survey by MMGY’s Travel Intelligence indicates that 80% of active leisure travelers in the United States are interested in taking an international trip within...
Insurance providers leave Florida, homeowners have ‘no place to go’ Florida homeowners pay more than three times the national average for home insurance, and residents fear...
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