Pixar Animation Studios, which produced such classic films as “Toy Story” and “Up,” began laying off about 14% of its workforce Tuesday as it scales back development of original streaming series, according...
Food fight! Wendy’s declared war on McDonald’s discount meals by offering a new $3 breakfast value meal as the fast food giants battle to lure back...
An influential, fiscally conservative and libertarian political advocacy group will work with gas stations across the country this week to remind Americans what the price at...
Open this photo in gallery: A pilot project at Toronto Metropolitan University has students designing body forms that challenge industry standards.Courtesy Toronto Metropolitan University For many...
JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon commented about his remaining tenure. Lowe’s topped quarterly earnings and revenue expectations. Red Lobster filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Here are...
The Macy’s company logo is seen at the Macy’s store on Herald Square on January 19, 2024 in New York City. Macy’s department-store chain announced that...
The Macy’s flagship store in the Herald Square neighborhood of New York, US, on Saturday, Feb. 24, 2024. Yuki Iwamura | Bloomberg | Getty Images Macy’s...
A shopping cart sits in front of a Lowe’s store in Pacoima, California, November 21, 2023. Justin Sullivan | Getty Images Lowe’s topped Wall Street’s quarterly...
Planet Fitness is offering a free pass to teenagers this summer so they can exercise for free while school’s out. From June 1-Aug. 31, teens between...
Listen to this article Target plans to cut prices on thousands of consumer basics this summer, from diapers to milk, as inflation cuts into household budgets...
Norwegian Cruise Line CEO Harry Sommer told CNBC’s Jim Cramer on Monday that younger generations are becoming more interested in the company’s offerings. “We appeal obviously...
A pedestrian walks by a Peloton store in Palo Alto, California, on May 8, 2024. Justin Sullivan | Getty Images Peloton shares plunged on Monday after...