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Supporting our police, law enforcement, and border patrol agents



Supporting our police, law enforcement, and border patrol agents

From May 12-18, we celebrated National Police Week in honor of our police and law enforcement officers who put their lives on the line every day to keep our families and communities safe. These men and women are heroes who deserve our deepest appreciation and strongest support for their commitment to protect and serve Iowans. On my 36 County Tour, I’ve had the privilege of meeting with our law enforcement community to personally thank them for all that they do – never seeking recognition or praise in return. They know the meaning of service and sacrifice.

During my time in Congress, I’ve pledged to back the blue 100%, and I’m glad to say that I’ve introduced and supported legislation upholding that promise.

Last Congress, I voted for the Invest to Protect Act to help local and rural police departments recruit, retain, and train law enforcement officers. This legislation applies to law enforcement agencies with fewer than 125 officers, which account for more than 95% of our nation’s police and sheriff’s departments. Born and raised in rural Iowa, I know that we need to fully fund our police and ensure that our men and women in blue have the resources and tools that they need to do their jobs and protect our families.

In 2021, 586 law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty – the deadliest year on record. Tragically, 2022 and 2023 equally saw a devastating number of law enforcement officers killed while serving our communities. In 2022, we lost 224 officers and in 2023, we lost 137 officers, including Algona Police Officer Kevin Cram who was senselessly murdered on the job. I believe that criminals who intentionally target and attack police and law enforcement officers must be punished to the fullest extent of the law. That’s why, last year, I helped introduce the Protect and Serve Act, which would create federal penalties for criminals who deliberately target and assault police and law enforcement officers. This disgusting behavior can never be tolerated and must be appropriately punished.

I also recently voted to detain and deport illegal immigrants who attack border patrol agents and require the Attorney General to deliver a report to Congress on the ramifications of President Biden’s open-border policies on our law enforcement officers and border patrol agents. In addition to these votes, I further supported legislation calling on the Attorney General to publish a comprehensive report on violent attacks against law enforcement and voted in favor of a congressional resolution condemning radical efforts to defund the police.

Our police and law enforcement officers make unseen and untold sacrifices to keep our families and communities safe. They are truly incredible Americans. As a strong supporter of our law enforcement community, I will always oppose radical efforts to defund the police and I will continue to stand with our men and women in blue.

We are government together, and your thoughts and opinions matter to me. Please contact my office at Feenstra.House.Gov or by phone at 202-225-4426 if I can ever be of assistance. I am proud to represent our families, farmers, main street businesses, and rural communities in Congress.


Randy Feenstra, a Republican from Hull, represents Iowa’s Fourth District in the U.S. House.

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