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Sullivan: Hamas cease-fire response has both ‘understandable’ and ‘out of step’ proposals



Sullivan: Hamas cease-fire response has both ‘understandable’ and ‘out of step’ proposals

Jake Sullivan:

President Biden has enunciated the same principle when it comes to Israel that he has enunciated with respect to Ukraine.

Israel has a right to defend itself against a vicious and brutal terrorist organization, but it has a responsibility, even despite the burden of having to fight Hamas in hospitals and schools, to do the utmost to protect civilians.

And our position with respect to Russia and Ukraine is that Russia has no right whatsoever to invade a sovereign country, cause harm, and operate in utter and complete flagrant violation of the U.N. charter. What the president is most concerned about is the human dimension of each of these conflicts.

And that sense of motivation to try to bring peace and security on the basis of a fair and just outcome in both Gaza and in Ukraine, that’s something that motivates him every day.

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