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Suicide Bombing Targets Bustling Coffee Shop In Mogadishu – Live and Let’s Fly



Suicide Bombing Targets Bustling Coffee Shop In Mogadishu – Live and Let’s Fly

A suicide bombing at a popular coffee shop in Mogadishu, Somalia killed five people and injured 20. It gives me great pause that even a well-guarded coffee shop is not safe from terrorist activity.

Coffee Shop Targetted For Suicide Bombing In Mogadishu

I don’t write about most suicide bombings in Mogadishu, but the situation in the Somali capital has been quiet lately and I’ve quite honestly been considering a visit.

I’m on a quest to visit every country in the world, including the tough ones…and Somalia is one of them. Mogadishu has been relatively calm for the last several months and I was seriously looking at a trip there in the near term.

But this really isn’t about me. Imagine you’re just sitting in a coffee shop called Top Cafe enjoying Euro 2024. It’s nearing 10:30 pm local time and England is playing Spain. All of a sudden a truck drives up and detonates. It is full of explosives and creates a massive explosion.

Five people died and 20 were injured.

Say you survived. You look around and see bodies scattered on the ground, blood over everything, and the building severely damaged and on fire.

My thoughts and prayers go out to every victim and their families.

I remember dining in Argana Cafe in Marrakech in 2010. It was bustling with people much like Top Cafe in Mogadishu. Then on April 28, 2011, a man walked in with two bombs in his backpack at 11:50 am and detonated them, killing 17 and injuring 25.

Our days are numbered. Not even a coffee shop is safe.

As I think about the assassination attempt over the weekend against President Trump and about hanging out with my son at a packed In-N-Out burger, I realize how easy it is to kill or maim. How easy it would have been to walk into In-N-Out with a backpack full of explosives and kill scores of people instantly.

So yes, I focus on the coffee shop in Mogadishu because it is exactly where I would be as well. But real lives were lost. Real families were forever turned upside down.

Life is fragile. There’s nothing theoretical about that.

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