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Shauna Richardson champions wellness and fibroid awareness through fitness



Shauna Richardson champions wellness and fibroid awareness through fitness

Shauna Richardson is no stranger to fitness. A gym enthusiast, she explained that she had been exercising for quite some time, maintaining an active lifestyle with the help of a trainer alongside her co-worker. However, things took an unexpected turn one day while working out when she felt severe pain in her abdomen. Since then, the fibroids advocate has made a drastic shift. Through dedication, determination, and consistency, Richardson has undergone a life-changing transformation, both mentally and physically.

“The pain seemed to feel more extreme than your average cramping. But I decided to brush it aside, until I began to display other symptoms which aligned with having fibroids,” she told Lifestyle.

Making that discovery in 2019, it wasn’t until May of this year that she began to give the wellness journey real dedication; it was there that she saw real results. “I started out at 198 pounds. My goal weight was 175. I reached that goal and have been maintaining that since. I did my surgery to remove my fibroids two weeks ago and I’m now at 168 pounds.”

Upping the ante in the nutrition department, Richardson also engaged in intermittent fasting and began attending the gym on a regular basis. “My exercise routine normally involves cardio and strength training. For persons like me who suffer with hormonal issues, diet and exercise are crucial,” she explained, adding, “I’ve never been this weight ever and the weight fell off in little over two months. I gave up meat for almost five months and even did intermittent fasting on some days.”

So, what exactly does a typical day look like for Richardson? She starts her morning at around 5:30. After eating a banana before her workout, she goes straight into a warm-up. Then, her personal trainer, Rohan ‘Frano’ Francis, takes charge, guiding her through the day’s gym programme.

Commenting on her progress and the work she puts in to improve daily, Francis said, “Shauna is a quick learner and is always open to try our new programmes. She has been working out here for about 8 months. Her progress is the true definition of understanding how the body and mind works. It was never an easy fix. It was always about incorporating sustainable methods that can be taken along with you for a lifetime.”

“I prefer morning workouts,” Richardson said, noting that it’s the driving force behind her daily energy. As far as duration goes, she maintains a steady and effective hour-long session four days per week. “The gym gives a lot more options with the machines. I like strength training. And I can still get bodyweight exercises in as well as cardio.” Richardson admitted to indulging in way more cardio before starting the gym, but the results with the gym made the latter a way better choice.

Now that she is 30 pounds lighter, she feels pumped to get back to the fitness hub and continue her process. “I am happy with my progress and I can’t wait to recover and get back on the journey.”

Others, she pointed out, have also taken notice of her new figure and they are loving it, for the most part. “Persons close to me who are not used to me at this weight were very critical. They believed that I was getting too slim or me a ‘mawga down’. But for the most part, persons are loving the change and I love it too. It amazes me what the body can do, how strong I got over time and how my body started to change, even hormonally,” which is a strong plus in her book.

With Fibroid Awareness Month scheduled for July, Richardson believes that not enough is being done to shed light on the issue or to educate others about the symptoms.

“If you are struggling to lose weight, be patient and take care of yourself. Keep abreast of your health by doing regular check-ups. Sometimes there might be underlying medical issues which need to be addressed immediately. Also, love yourself; with discipline and consistency, you can achieve anything, once you prepare yourself mentally.”

Richardson also has a message for those who may see someone struggling with body issues and make audacious remarks: “Please be kind; you never know what the person you are addressing is going through.”

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