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Sens. Graham and Blumenthal on Designating Russia as State Sponsor of Terrorism



Sens. Graham and Blumenthal on Designating Russia as State Sponsor of Terrorism

Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) introduced legislation designating Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. “Anybody that does a defense agreement with North Korea should be a state sponsor of terrorism,” said Sen. Graham, referring to North Korea’s nuclear program. His remarks were echoed by Sen. Blumenthal, who held up a picture of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent state visit to North Korea, a country already designated by the U.S. as a sponsor of terrorism. Other countries already designated by the U.S. at the time of this event were Cuba, Iran, and Syria. The senators explained additional reasons for the designation and described why it mattered, explaining it would send an important message to the world and, practically speaking, would restrict Russia’s sovereign immunity in U.S. courts and strengthen sanctions against the country. close

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