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Rapid City offers free outdoor fitness classes



Rapid City offers free outdoor fitness classes

“Join Us On The FitLot” is a series of free outdoor fitness classes open to the public and hosted by the Rapid City Aquatics Division.

The introductory class is scheduled for Wednesday, June 12 from 6:30 a.m. to 7:15 a.m., with a series of weekday classes scheduled from June 17 through August 23 at the same time.

The classes will be held at the AARP FitLot Fitness Park, located in the field between the Swim Center and Ice Arena at 125 Waterloo Street.

Participants need to sign up for the introductory class separate from the series at

Class emphasis includes cardio and endurance, bodyweight exercises and strength training. FitLot Resistance opportunities include elliptical, stair stepper, chest press, hand cycle and resistance bands.

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Swim Center Exercise Coordinator Sue Crossman is coordinating the sessions, which will be low-impact workouts for any level and supervised by FitLot Coaches who are NASM Certified Personal Trainers.

“These sessions are a great way to introduce participants to the FitLot and to low-impact workouts,” said Crossman. “The FitLot provides an outdoor atmosphere for a great fitness opportunity for people of any age and skill level. We encourage participants to commit to at least three days per week but are free to attend all five days, Monday-Friday.”

The AARP-sponsored outdoor fitness park was dedicated in August 2019.

Call the Roosevelt Swim Center at 605-394-5223 with questions.

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