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R’ Shaul Wishedski, 58, OBM



R’ Shaul Wishedski, 58, OBM

R’ Shaul Wishedski, a chossid living in the central Israeli village of Kfar Chabad, passed away on his way to shul on Shabbos – the day of his father’s yartzeit. Full Story

By COLlive reporter

R’ Shaul Wishedski, a Chabad chossid who lived in the central Israeli village of Kfar Chabad, passed away on Shabbos, 30 Sivan 5784.

He was 58.

He was known for a yire shamayim who was connected to the Rebbe. Despite his frailty in recent years, he was careful to daven in a minyan and participate in shiurim as many as possible.

On Shabbos, he was on his way to shul to say Kaddish on his father’s yartzeit when he collapsed and sadly passed away.

He is survived by his wife Chana Wishedski and their 8 children.

The Levaya was held on Sunday.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

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