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Psychiatrist: Bed rotting days are ‘very tempting,’ but don’t really help you feel rested—here’s how to recharge instead



Psychiatrist: Bed rotting days are ‘very tempting,’ but don’t really help you feel rested—here’s how to recharge instead

Millennials and Gen Zers are taking advantage of their off-days and weekends by “bed rotting” — a trend that involves spending the entire day under the comfort of their duvets while sleeping in, watching television or mindlessly scrolling a device.

It’s meant to be their way of decompressing or staving off burnout after a long work week, but the trend could be doing more harm than good, according to Samantha Boardman, a psychiatrist and clinical instructor at Weill-Cornell Medical College and author of the book “Everyday Vitality, Turning Stress Into Strength.”

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