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Protest in Shopping-land : Indybay



Protest in Shopping-land : Indybay

Photos: Leon Kunstenaar

(Daly City, May 30) – You would not normally expect an anti war protest among the huge streets and sterile shopping mall of the Seramonte Shopping center, but there it was.

Called for by AROC, the Arab Resource and Organizing Center, about sixty people, from young adults to seniors, were at the corner of Seramonte and Gellert Blvd. loudly protesting Israel’s war crimes and US complicity.

Several demonstrators displayed signs blasting Rep. Kevin Mullin for voting to fund the genicde with us tax dollars.

Except for one upset passerby, honking support from passing cars was continual, showing that, with the notable exception of Biden and Blinken, most people are decent and do care about the monstrous crimes our government is enabling.

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