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People Are Sharing The Out-Of-Touch Things Wealthy People Said To Them, And It’s Time To Eat The Rich



People Are Sharing The Out-Of-Touch Things Wealthy People Said To Them, And It’s Time To Eat The Rich


“Some kid in his early twenties started working at the restaurant I was at, total trust fund baby. But his parents made him get a job, or they would cut him off (phone, car, apartment, school, credit card, everything). We were talking about plans for the summer, and I mentioned I was gonna take a weekend to head north and visit my mom. Someone else was going camping, and another guy was taking a long weekend to help his brother move. He said, ‘You guys have no idea what vacation means, do you? I’m taking my girlfriend to Spain for two weeks and then spending a few days in Italy before we come back.'”

“He got real upset when I asked him where he was gonna work when he came back. Apparently, he didn’t understand that taking three weeks of vacation not even two months into a job isn’t a thing, especially when that was during our busiest season of the year. Even better was when we all looked at him and told him we couldn’t even afford a week off, let alone in Spain. He didn’t last long.”


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