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Overrated Workout Moves, According to Fitness Pros



Overrated Workout Moves, According to Fitness Pros

These 7 Exercises Are More Hype Than Substance

If you’re on a health and fitness journey, you may turn to Instagram or TikTok for tips and inspiration. While it can be a source of helpful information, social media also highlights workout moves that may look good on camera but aren’t all that effective – or safe to try on your own without any extra context.

“These platforms often show us flashy, visually appealing exercises that may prioritize aesthetics over proper form and functionality,” says Wendell Albarran, ISSA-certified fitness expert and nutritionist at Real Elevate Fitness. NASM-certified personal trainer, and fitness influencer Victoria Petrella agrees: “People want to try these trendy moves because they see their favorite fitness personalities doing them, but these exercises might not always be the best for achieving their fitness goals.”

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Cutting through the noise and focusing on the best exercises to get closer to your goals is key. Here are seven overrated workout moves you can skip, according to fitness pros.

7 Seriously Overrated Exercises

1. Bosu Ball Squats

Squatting on a Bosu ball looks impressive at first glance. And challenging your balance can be great for engaging stabilizer muscles. But doing squats on a Bosu makes the actual squatting part less effective and reduces the amount of force you can generate, says Albarran.

It can also increase your risk of injury if you’re a beginner, and there are better ways to work on balance and stability. “If you want to work on balance and stability, try single-leg squats or lunges with a focus on control and depth,” recommends Albarran.

2. Smith Machine Squats

Add Smith machine squats to your list of squat variations to ditch. This time, it’s for the opposite reason: They don’t engage the stabilizer muscles enough compared to free-weight squats, according to Petrella.

Plus, the fixed bar can also lead to unnatural movement patterns and may lead you to adopt bad form habits over time. “I recommend focusing on free-weight squats or goblet squats for better muscle engagement and functional strength,” says Petrella.

3. Bench Dips

Both Petrella and Albarran note that bench tricep dips are overrated, as they can put a lot of strain on your shoulders and wrists. “Bench dips are popular for targeting the triceps but often cause shoulder discomfort or injury because of the awkward angle and strain on the shoulders,” says Albarran, who adds that this move can stress the front of your shoulders too much and lead to discomfort and potential long-term issues if performed incorrectly.

Try close-grip push-ups instead, which allow for a more natural range of motion while working both your triceps and chest muscles. Or go with moves like tricep pushdowns or skull crushers, which isolate your triceps without unnecessary strain.

4. Burpees

You may be surprised to see burpees on the list. Sure, they’re great for your whole body and will improve your cardio. But they involve a lot of impact, which can be hard on the joints. Without proper form, it’s easy to get injured performing burpees. “I think there are better, safer ways to get a good cardio workout without the high impact,” says Petrella.

According to Luke Jones, movement coach at HERO Movement, moves like burpees should be layered on top of a base of strength, coordination, and mobility: “Without that foundation, most people haven’t developed the strength to absorb the impact.”

5. Crunches

If you hate sit-ups, rejoice. Crunches are overrated, says Petrella. They only target a small portion of your abs. It’s more effective to focus on exercises that engage your entire core, like planks and leg raises.

6. Russian Twists

But what about Russian twists, which target the obliques – the side of your ab muscles?

“While Russian twists can be great for oblique strength, they are often done with poor form and too much weight, leading to back injuries,” adds Petrella. There are safer ways to train those muscles, like side plans or cable woodchoppers.

7. Jefferson Curls

According to Jones, exercises like Jefferson curls are often shown without context on social media, which can lead you to believe you should aim to try them right away.

If you’re unfamiliar with the Jefferson curl, it involves bending your entire spine forward while holding free weights. Unless you’re an athlete, this is an overrated exercise that you shouldn’t attempt without working up to it and being coached.

“The truth is, it takes time to improve mobility and for joints and connective tissues to adapt. There’s a very real risk of doing too much too soon. We don’t want to fear-monger and make people feel fragile, but there needs to be a foundation and understanding of risks,” says Jones.

Workouts Moves That Are Actually Worth It

So, if movements like the ones above are overrated, what kind of moves should you rely on to gain strength and muscle? It depends on your goals and fitness level, but keeping it simple and building a solid foundation is a good idea, recommends Jones.

Petrella recommends building your workout plan around compound movements that work multiple muscle groups at once – think, deadlifts, bench presses, squats and pull-ups.

“Incorporating some form of mobility work is also crucial, taking the joints through a full range of motion with a combination of dynamic and more passive stretches,” adds Jones.

Throw in some form of cardio-based training that gets your heart rate up for heart health, and you’ve got a recipe for success. It may not be flashy, but it’s tried-and-tested.

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