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No, AI isn’t coming for your job. Here’s why.



No, AI isn’t coming for your job. Here’s why.

Path co-founder Chandler Malone joins Wealth! to discuss how employers and job hunters can utilize AI in job training and career path decisions.

“I think this age of AI is very scary for a lot of people. You hear things about automation; you hear things about job displacement. But, if you really look at a lot of the research and a lot of the numbers, AI is actually predicted to create more jobs than it’s predicted to eliminate,” Malone explains. The technology is being used to find more efficiencies, allowing workers to be able to focus their efforts on more productive tasks. He notes that Path works with job seekers to help them understand the job market, work with a career coach, and learn new skills. This can help them move up within their current company or take a higher position elsewhere.

As labor demand normalizes, Malone points to the healthcare and renewable energy sectors as areas with increased demand. He explains, “We think about just where the world is going, and there are just some inevitable truths, inevitable things that we need to plan for. And so, as more of these climate-related issues come up… governments and private institutions are going to put more capital into those spaces, which means there’s going to be more jobs.”

For more expert insight and the latest market action, click here to watch this full episode of Wealth!

This post was written by Melanie Riehl

Video Transcript

Are you doing everything you can to find the best job that sets you up for the future?

Our next guest is showing job seekers how to utilize A I both in their job training and in choosing the right career path for more.

Let’s welcome in Chandler Malone, who is the path Ceo Chandler.

Great to see you.

Great to have you here on the program with us.

Let’s discuss this a little bit more because a lot of people are hearing A I, they hear A A I might be coming from my job, but there’s actually an effective way to use A I perhaps to best fine tune your career path.

How are you seeing this effectively be deployed for potential job seekers out there?

Yeah, definitely.

Um You know, I think this age of A I is very scary for a lot of people.

Um You know, you hear things about automation, you hear things about job displacement.

Um But if you really like to look at a lot of the research and a lot of the numbers A I is actually predicted to create more jobs and it’s predicted uh to eliminate.

And so you know, for individuals who are looking to basically be able to adapt to this new age, to this new era, right?

I have a couple pieces of advice.

First pieces find that they, that you’re really passionate about and that you really care about, right?

That passion is, is going to allow you to become a subject matter expert in today’s world, right?

We’re not going to be able to complete more tasks more quickly or with a higher level of fidelity than A I.

But we will be able to have a level of nuance, right?

We will be able to interact with other humans well.

And so being able to have that level of subject matter expertise and then those people skills will allow you to stand out no matter what new technologies.


So say you’re on the job and you’re trying to figure out, OK, what feels right in terms of eliminating some of those mundane tasks and allowing to me to be more profe uh more uh product productive, excuse me, while leveraging some of the new technology, where where are you seeing people who are currently on a job effectively leveraging A I to kind of remove some of those tasks that take away time that they could reposition elsewhere?

Oh yeah, I mean there are a ton of tools um you think in any industry um there are already tools that have been developed, one tool that I like for Microsoft Excel functions and a lot of folks who are in like finance related roles um is called Ros, right?

I think we’re all very familiar with, you know, Chad GP T and it’s just ability to come up with, you know, high level plans, overview suggestions, you know, predictions for us.

Um But then I’m also really excited about what we’ve built a path, right?

We’re hoping people will try to understand right where the labor market is going with our career coach that is able to give them just information from, you know, thousands of career advisor, college counselors, even therapists.

Um And then we’ve also got our skills trainer that teaches people any job skill, whether that be leverage bile modeling, whether that be plumbing, uh you know, really any job skill that could help them be able to move up in their current role uh or transition to a new role.

Is there a sector that you expect could be ripe to experience the next wave of demand boom?

And we think about this because it, it all comes back to where consumers are, where the business to business, consumers are, where the business to consumer B to C consumers are as well and where they’re putting their, their money as well.

So what is that next area within the broader labor force that could experience a boom in demand as a result of that?

Yeah, I think two things.

One is health care, right?

Like health care is always just gonna be a huge part of our economy.

Um like it is an essential.

Um But then I think another place um is basically just in the green, clean, renewable energy space, right?

Um You know, even your last guest, you know, who came on, uh you know, spoke about it, but with that being said, right, we think about just where the world is going and there are just some inevitable truths and things that we need to plan for.

And so, you know, as more of these climate related uh you know, not just, you know, issues come up, right?

But they just become, you know, more in the forefront of our mind, right?

Governments and private institutions are gonna put more capital into those spaces, which means there’s gonna be more jobs.

And so, you know, again, right, my advice for folks is you don’t have to become, you know, a scientist that knows everything about the atmosphere and you know, co2 you know, capture anything like that but find what you are passionate about within climate.

And there are going to be a host of job opportunities, not just technical, not just scientific, but you know, leveraging your people skills and you know, some of these other soft skills that you have really smart.

Chandler Malone, who is the P A Ceo Chandler.

Thanks so much for taking the time here with us today on Yahoo Finance.

Thanks so much, Brad.

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