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Nevadaworks ‘Good Jobs Northern Nevada’ Program is Helping Inmates Gain a Second Chance at Life



Nevadaworks ‘Good Jobs Northern Nevada’ Program is Helping Inmates Gain a Second Chance at Life

Nevadaworks is Northern Nevada’s hub for job seekers looking for training and employment opportunities, and employers looking to develop and hire skilled workers.

Recently, a man who was at a low point in his life was incarcerated, but now he is back on his feet trying to become a truck driver, thanks to Nevadaworks. 

Kevin Kelly, a recent graduate from CDL says his journey was a fun and exciting one, but not easy. He told us growing up he was never a car guy but now he knows his truck inside and out. He got his license about a week ago after failing twice, but he says the third time was the charm. 

Kelly got out of prison March 8th.

within two weeks he met a man named Ryan Hogan, a Nevadaworks Career Navigator, who he says was like his guardian angel.

“He represented hope, and I think a lot of guys in my position are a little overwhelmed and intimidated,” Kelly said. “I was in prison for ten years and this is a whole new life for me.”

Kelly was Hogan’s first reentry case.

Hogan says there have been challenges but Kelly was a delight to work with.

“Speaking with Kevin and hearing his experience and understanding what that was like to be incarcerated, what I would imagine would be the happiest day of your life to get out of prison, and you learn a whole lot of society doesn’t want you back.” said Hogan. “It was really challenging and really hard but there are opportunities out there. The ‘Good Jobs of Northern Nevada Grant’ through Nevadaworks is working really hard to create those opportunities.”

Although at times overwhelming, Kelly put one foot in front of the other and succeeded. 

Kelly said he wanted to be respectful of everyone helping him during this process, so the next felon who sought help could receive it as he did.

“I want everyone to know that help is out there,” he said. “You have to ask and you have to put in the work, but I don’t want the next man coming out to be overwhelmed. I want him to have confidence that he too can succeed.”

“Regarding the next person who’s coming in behind me I would tell them it’s like anything in life, you have to work at it,” he said. “You have to want it, but if you want it I’m living proof that it’s all there for you.”

Nevadaworks paid for Kelly’s CDL school and gave him gas cards to go to and from school. He says he always felt like they were on his side. 

“It’s not like a free ride,” Kelly said. “The grant and everything certainly paid my way but it really didn’t feel like a business arrangement, it felt like I was somebody they had known my whole life and they cared as much as I cared about me getting this license and getting a job and being able to support myself.”

Kelly says he’s still on parole, but in good standing with his parole officer. 

“My next phase of this is to get hired,” he said. “I’ve been able to sit across from a couple employers and finding an understanding and compassionate HR team or a company itself that represents second chances.”

“It is rewarding to be able to work with people and know you’re making a positive difference in their life, helping them where maybe they wouldn’t be able to help themselves, get them up and running and be with them along the journey,” Hogan adds.

If you would like to learn more about Nevadaworks and their ‘Good Jobs Nevada’ program you can click the link here.

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