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Keith Gill claims to have grown GameStop stake to 9M shares



Keith Gill claims to have grown GameStop stake to 9M shares

Keith Gill, the meme stock icon better known as “Roaring Kitty,” has doubled down on his confidence in GameStop (GME). Gill took to Reddit (RDDT) to share an updated screenshot of his stake, which now appears to amount to 9 million shares of the video game retailer.

Yahoo Finance’s Seana Smith and Madison Mills break down the details.

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This post was written by Angel Smith

Video Transcript

And finally, we have to end our week by talking about gamestop Keith Gill known as Roaring Kitty.

He seemed to increase his game.

His ownership in Gamestop Common Stock now appears to be holding more than 9 million shares.

He posted a new screenshot of his E trade portfolio on Reddit super strong for him after the bell.

Yesterday, shares today are moving to the downside.

They’re down just flipping over 2% here.

But it’s interesting that this post seemed to be the biggest catalyst for the movement that we’re seeing in this stock to the downside, but he still continues to be one of the top four holders of GME.

The others are, I think Vanguard is among them, Black Rock as well.

So he’s certainly the biggest individual investor.

It’s not necessarily a bearish signal for the people who love Keith Gill.

Um But we’re still seeing moves to the downside.

Yeah, again, his portfolio no longer showing or no longer including the 120,000 call options and then those are set to expire next week.

So I don’t necessarily think that huge um surprise here to many on the street.

He is remains invested, it seems like at least uh to Gamestop really backing what he has said or what he has signaled, I should say uh through his social media outlets over the last several weeks.

So again, we are seeing some movement here to the downside from Gamestop, but this is a stock, clearly, it’s been on quite a wild ride here over the last several weeks ever since we did have Keith Gill return to social media for the first time reuniting some of the excitement re, uh, reuniting.

Uh, certainly his fan base surrounding gamestop.

And you can see that on that year to day chart on the right half of the screen ever since the middle of May when we have certainly been on the up and down path here over the last several weeks.

It’s hilarious.

They, the stock was at 50 bucks in May.

Now it’s down to 28 earlier in May.

It was at 11.

It’s just totally all over your head.


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