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How to return to the corporate world



How to return to the corporate world

How to return to the corporate world
Ask the Job Doc.

Q: I started an IT consulting firm during the pandemic.  I was laid off in April, 2020 and this was a good time to find out if I would like working as an independent consultant. I have been able to work with many growing firms in Boston.  While I enjoy working in a consultancy. But the hours are long, and it is a lot more work than I had envisioned.  The legal set-up, the billing, and all the administrative work takes time and can be complicated.

I think I am ready to close shop and return to a corporate role.  My dilemma is how to I explain this six-year entrepreneurial pit stop in my career.  I am worried that some will view this as a less than serious part of my career, or that I was working less than an in-house role.  In reality, I have never worked so hard in my life.

How do I best explain this when interviewing for an IT role within a company?  How do I present this on my resume?

A: Great question, as there are likely others who may be in your same situation.  In April, 2020, at the first signs of a pandemic, the unemployment rate was just under 15%, the highest rate in the state’s history.  Today the unemployment rate in Massachusetts is around 3%.  A 12% swing, in that period of time, is highly unusual.  Many professionals decided to try out an entrepreneurial venture, since the employment market was unstable.  Also known as the “gig economy,” roles like a rideshare or food delivery driver, freelance writer, online tutor, landscaper, or graphic designers are common.

Self-employment, freelancing and contracting are acceptable ways to earn an income.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in April of 2024, 10.1% of the US workforce was self-employed.     

I think you can explain starting your IT firm in a simple way.  “The pandemic hit, and like other companies, my employer laid off 25 plus employees in our shared services team.  IT was outsourced.  I enjoy IT and I think it is a great fit for my skillset and career interests.  I started my own firm and I was able to work with a growing number of Boston-based clients.  Now, I feel like I miss being in-house.

Regarding the format of my resume, here is one possible format:

            XYZ LLC (the name of your consulting business)         2020 – present

            Experienced independent consultant working closely with a variety of Boston-based clients. Specific areas of expertise include providing technical support and assistance related to computer systems, hardware and software.

Using this format, it clearly demonstrates and articulates your areas of expertise.  It presents your professional work history in a cohesive manner.  If you don’t have a company name to list at the top, consider using the name that you have used for your independent contracts.  Think about what name you put on your client invoices. 

Good luck.  It is a great job market for those looking for new employment opportunities.  With focus and persistence, you will land a new role!


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