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Helldivers 2 gets a new weapon, and players are just glad it’s not the Anti-Tank Mines: “I would have straight up uninstalled”



Helldivers 2 gets a new weapon, and players are just glad it’s not the Anti-Tank Mines: “I would have straight up uninstalled”

It’s official, Helldivers 2‘s new weapon is indeed the quad missile launcher that was accidentally leaked in a PlayStation email newsletter last month, and we can all breathe a sigh of relief that we weren’t being baited with the Anti-Tank Mines.

This comes as part of the ongoing Major Order in Helldivers 2, which tasks us with keeping planet X-45 under Super Earth control and out of the freedom-hating grasp of the deadly Automatons. However, it just so happens that the planet is home to an Advanced Weapons Lab from the first Galactic War (basically, Helldivers 1), and last week, an in-game Strategic Update teased that there might be a cache of classic weapons stored there. Now, the MLS-4X Commando missile launcher has been unearthed, and is already available to try out for the duration of the Major Order on X-45 to show those Automatons who’s boss.

The new MLS-4X Commando Rocket Launcher from r/Helldivers

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