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Elon Musk Predicts AI Dominance in Future Jobs



Elon Musk Predicts AI Dominance in Future Jobs

Elon Musk, during his keynote at VivaTech 2024, repeated his prediction that artificial intelligence (AI) will surpass human capabilities, rendering most jobs. He pointed out that employment might become optional since AI could be used to produce all the goods and services. 

Regarding these issues, Musk introduced a vision of the future where people will work to pass the time while AI and robots will do all the rest. Musk proposed the concept of a “universal high income,” distinct from universal basic income, to support individuals in an AI-dominated future where joblessness could be widespread. 

He stated that this income would enable a human being to find a purpose in life even though an AI will be developed to the extent of outdoing humans.

According to Musk, while AI may excel in most tasks, humans could still play a role in giving AI itself meaning, through activities like creative endeavors and emotional support roles that AI might not fully replicate.

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