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Destiny 2 Should Do More Quests Like Dual Destiny, Not Less



Destiny 2 Should Do More Quests Like Dual Destiny, Not Less

Like many other Destiny 2 players, I’ve been slowly digging into The Final Shape’s post-campaign offerings, especially as I get ready to take on the expansion’s especially demanding raid. Unsurprisingly, many of these quests, which center around the acquisition of rare and powerful armor and weapons, are some of the very best things to be found in The Final Shape, continuing Bungie’s tradition of having strong tails in its expansions. The Final Shape has many pleasant surprises, but one of them, Dual Destiny, courted controversy amongst players this week.

Dual Destiny is the latest Exotic mission to grace Destiny 2, and it is one of its most unique. Exotic missions have come and gone to much acclaim, such as The Whisper and Zero Hour (which returned to the game via Into The Light some months ago), but Dual Destiny is the first one to have a real gimmick outside of a timer and some light puzzling. Dual Destiny can only be completed by two players, requires them to adorn certain subclasses—one Dark, one Light—and demands a certain amount of communication. The reward at the end is pretty significant: an Exotic class item that can roll multiple perks, including ones previously accessible via class-specific equipment, meaning classes can now share abilities with one another.

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