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Amityville Union Free School District holding special meeting, looks to cut more jobs



Amityville Union Free School District holding special meeting, looks to cut more jobs

A resolution to eliminate more jobs in the Amityville Union Free School District after the budget passed has many in the community demanding answers from the school board.

“It’s so unfortunate because it hits the children primarily, the parents, the teachers, everyone is being affected,” said Dan Holmes, a parent in the district.

Elementary school teachers, teaching assistants and monitors are among the 13 positions potentially on the chopping block, according to the agenda for a special school board meeting scheduled to take place tonight.

Parent Elvin Molina felt the school board should be trying to do the opposite. “We need more teachers,” Molina said.

Monique Cox, a parent with three children in the district, agrees with Molina’s assessment.

“They’re already short-staffed as it is,” said Cox. “The grades are horrible as it is, curriculum is horrible as is, so to eliminate more teachers is going to make it even worse.” Cox said she is preparing to make a big change for her family, for the sake of her children’s education.

“I’ve been considering taking my children out of the district because it’s just getting that bad,” she added.

Potential cuts come after voters passed the school budget last week, which included the elimination of two teaching jobs, two dean positions and an assistant principal. The five jobs were on top of 47 positions already cut because of previous budget issues.

“I think one of the big problems, why this has arisen, is the school board needs to run this like a business. It hasn’t been run like a business. Things got out of control financially, and these are the repercussions of it,” said Holmes.

Residents have voted in new board members, giving some in the community hope. Others like Cox aren’t holding their breath.

“They need to start thinking about the children and their education, not just how much they can save,” she added.

The special session for the school board will happen on Thursday, May 30 at 6 p.m. at Park Avenue Elementary School.

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