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AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door 2024 results, live streaming match coverage



AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door 2024 results, live streaming match coverage

All Elite Wrestling returns to pay-per-view TONIGHT (Sun., June 30, 2024) with their third-annual PPV with New Japan Pro-Wrestling — Forbidden Door! The show comes our way from Long Island, New York’s UBS Arena at 8 pm ET.

A Buy In pre-show will stream live and free starting at 6:30pm Eastern on All Elite’s YouTube channel, Triller TV, Bleacher Report, and right here at Cageside Seats.

The main card can be purchased on Triller TV, Bleacher Report, and other streaming outlets as well as on traditional PPV.

We’ll have predictions from the staff for every match here, and a preview for the entire show here.

Cageside Seats will provide LIVE match-by-match coverage of Forbidden Door below, beginning with the first match of the night and right on through to the main event.

Kick your off your shoes, relax, and enjoy all the action with your favorite pro wrestling website. And remember to keep refreshing!


  • AEW World championship: Swerve Strickland vs. Will Ospreay
  • IWGP World Heavyweight championship: Jon Moxley vs. Tetsuya Naito
  • Title for Title: TBS champion Mercedes Moné vs. NJPW Strong Women’s champion Stephanie Vaquer
  • Ladder Match for the vacant TNT championship: Konosuke Takeshita vs. Mark Briscoe vs. Jack Perry vs. Dante Martin vs. Lio Rush vs. El Phantasmo
  • The Learning Tree (Chris Jericho & Big Bill) and Jeff Cobb vs. Samoa Joe, HOOK & Katsuyori Shibata
  • Zack Sabre Jr. def. Orange Cassidy
  • AEW Women’s World championship: Timeless Toni Storm def. Mina Shirakawa
  • Men’s Owen Hart Tournament first round match: Bryan Danielson def. Shingo Takagi
  • The Elite (The Young Bucks & Kazuchika Okada) def. The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) and Hiroshi Tanahashi
  • MJF def. Hechicero
  • Mistico, Rey Fenix, & Penta El Zero Miedo def. Titan, Yota Tsuji & Hiromu Takahashi
  • Women’s Owen Hart Tournament first round match: Mariah May def. Saraya
  • Willow Nightingale & Tam Nakano def. Kris Statlander & Momo Watanabe
  • House of Black def. Private Party, Kyle O’Reilly & Tomohiro Ishii, and Gabe Kidd & Roderick Strong
  • Kyle Fletcher def. Serpentico


Sean here, as pre-show matches traditionally haven’t started until 7 pm Eastern and that’s when Claire reports for duty. Since tonight’s card is super-sized, the Zero Hour action started early (and since Tony Khan might even be trolling us at this point, he added a 15th match)…

Kyle Fletcher vs. Serpentico

An extended squash as the former ROH TV champ is apparently at war with luchadors after his bad night in Mexico City.

Kyle Fletcher wins by pinfall with the turnbuckle brainbuster.

Claire will have lyrics (probably) and proper play-by-play (definitely) here for you soon.

No lyrics because wrestling at 6:45 on a show that’s definitely going to midnight has me too cranky to hunt some down but I’ve been on a Bowie kick again because of all the Ziggy archival material that’s come out this year so feel free to fill in your favorite, if you like.

Gabe Kidd & Roderick Strong vs. Kings of the Black Throne (Brody King & Malakai Black) vs. Kyle O’Reilly & Tomohiro Ishii vs. Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen)

Feeling their way through the matchups as these tags often do, big men going at each other as Ishii and King clash! Kidd and O’Reilly chopping away at each other, Tom back in and just destroying Roddy, doing Chasing the Dragon with KOR but Private Party break it up and start making an impact themselves!

Kings dissect Party, Kassidy with a schoolboy but Brody destroys him with a lariat, up over his shoulder…

Kings of the Black Throne win by pinfall with Dante’s Inferno from Brody King on Isiah Kassidy.

Kris Statlander & Momo Watanabe vs. Tam Nakano & Willow Nightingale

Nakano and Statlander early, Tam using her speed, tagging Nightingale but Kris runs away and tags Watanabe in! Willow taking it to her, short crossbody, only two! Back and forth, Stat back in and in control on Nakano but Tam sends her to the floor… KRIS PULLS NIGHTINGALE OFF THE APRON!

Soon enough Willow tags in and unloads on Kris Stat! Statlander gets away, tag to Momo, hammering her in the corner, match breaking down, Nightingale off the top… WATANABE KICKS OUT OF AN AVALANCHE DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Momo with a Beach Break for two, laying kicks in, off the ropes… POUNCE!

Clothesline clears Kris to the floor, tag to Nakano as Willow goes to work on Statlander…

Tam Nakano & Willow Nightingale win by pinfall with a bridging hammerlock German suplex from Nakano on Momo Watanabe.

Mariah May vs. Saraya (Owen Hart Cup Quarterfinals)

May with a schoolboy out the gates, big knee, only two! Charging uppercut, revolution side slam, again just two! Saraya takes her to the floor and beats her down, Mariah takes her time but returns to the ring and Knight is right on her! Trading forearms on their knees and to their feet, May with a fireman’s carry, Toni Storm neutralizes interference from Harley Cameron!

Saraya with a hard right, Lightning Spiral… MARIAH GETS HER HANDS ON THE ROPES! May catches her…

Mariah May wins by pinfall with a flash pin.

Los Ingobernables de Japon (Hiromu Takahashi, Titan, & Yota Tsuji) vs. Lucha Brothers (Penta el Zero M & Rey Fenix) & Mistico

Again filtering through matchups, Fenix and Titan stalemate, tags to Penta and Tsuji! Cero Miedo, Yota blocks it, STO backbreaker / STO facebuster, stomp to the back of the neck combination! Tags, Mistico and Hiromu going at it, tijeras sets up a lucha arm drag! Tornillo to the floor, Lucha Brothers working Tsuji and Titan over after!

Stereo tijeras from the LIJ lads send the brothers to the floor and they hit stereo suicide dives after! Takahashi sets Mistico up… A HORRIBLE THUD ON THE SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMB TO THE FLOOR! Stacking Mistico up, fountain of splashes, Titan covers… STILL NO! Handspring back elbows set up a tijeras, quebradora on Titan, tag to Penta!

Tag right to Fenix, the brothers go to work, rope walk Penalty Kick into a step-up splash… TITAN KICKS OUT! Luchadors carrying on hot, assisted Fear Factor connects but Hiromu rolls to the floor! La Mistica on Titan… IT’S OVER!

Lucha Brothers & Mistico win by submission with La Mistica from Mistico on Titan.

Hechicero vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman

Mat work right away, Hechicero looking for a cross armbar but MJF blocks and offers a handshake. Hechicero has it scouted and refuses at first but gives in and gets kicked low! Max shrugs, off the ropes, ducking lariats, stepping over a drop down and giving us a little Fargo Strut into a hip swivel!

Friedman pays for how cocky he is, Hechicero in control but he trips him up and starts digging deep. Lariat knocks the luchador off his feet, another one, whip to the corner, up and over, snaps a piledriver off but MJF is slow to capitalize! Hechicero turns a victory roll into a cross armbar, Max slips out, Salt of the Earth applied but it get s reversed!

Stepping through the arm, rolling, some kind of arm-trap scissored armbar variation but Friedman crawls and gets a foot on the ropes! Mounted punches, biting Hechicero’s forehead, back up on the second… PANAMA SUNRISE! Vertical suplex lift…

Maxwell Jacob Friedman wins by pinfall with a vertical sheerdrop brainbuster.

Hiroshi Tanahashi & the Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & “Platinum” Max Caster) vs. the Elite (Kazuchika Okada, Matthew Jackson, & Nicholas Jackson)

Tanahashi and Okada to start, Kazuchika immediately tags out and Nicholas squares up with the Scissor Ace. Side headlock from Hiroshi, Bowens in, cover for two, kneeling armbar and Jackson has nowhere to go. stacking both Bucks up… DOUBLE SCISSOR ME TIMBERS! Okada in after, Reserve Neckbreaker on Caster, Nicholas steals his headphones and the Rainmaker takes him into the corner for quick tags.

Bowens with the hot tag, wrecking the Elite, Matthew cuts him off but he sidesteps the corner body avalanche! Tags made, Tanahashi taking it to Okada, scoop and a slam, match breaks down into “everybody do something cool” territory, Anthony counters a Rainmaker into the Arrival, Mic Drop follows, Hiroshi up top but the Bucks cut him off!

The Acclaimed counter them, High Fly Flow… OKADA GETS THE KNEES UP! Kazuchika slams Tanahashi, off the top, diving elbow connects! Rainmaker snap zoo— HE FLIPS THE HARD CAMERA THE BIRD INSTEAD OF POSING! RAINMAKER REVERSED INTO A SMALL PACKAGE FOR TWO! Hiroshi fighting both Bucks off with aplomb, off the ropes, Kazuchika blasts him with a dropkick! Wrist clutch…

The Elite win by pinfall with a Rainmaker from Kazuchika Okada on Hiroshi Tanahashi.

Post-match, Okada wants to hit another Rainmaker but Daddy Ass makes the save for Daddy Ace!

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Shingo Takagi (Owen Hart Cup Quarterfinals)

Circling, Danielson backed into the corner, test of strength reversed into a wristlock, Takagi reverses, hammerlock, Bryan slips out! Back to the test of strength, Shingo forces Danielson to his knees, reversed to the Romero Special and Bryan rolls back to full extension! Takagi escapes, off the ropes, shoulder block, elbow drop, senton connects!

Shingo passes him into the corner, Danielson explodes out, Axe Bomber connects, Takagi to the floor, off the ropes, suicide dive caught… SHINGO WITH A DRAGON SCREW NECK WHIP OFF THE APRON! Bryan clutching his neck, ringside doctor checking on him while referee Aubrey Edwards counts, finally Danielson gets back inside and Takagi snaps off a nearfall!

Front chancery applied, Bryan slips out, desperate uppercuts, falling to his knees after each impact, Shingo looking for a Gory Special, cut off with elbows so he drops Danielson with a lariat! Trading strikes, fighting into the turnbuckles, Bryan with the overhead elbows! Back on the mat, more strikes, big slap from Danielson, flash roundhouse, flying armbar but Shingo keeps his hands clapsed!

Bryan shifts to a triangle choke, overhead elbows, Takagi powers up… LAST OF THE DRAGON! Corner lariat, setting Danielson up top, superplex connects! Back and forth, corner dropkick, nobody’s home, Shingo off the ropes… PUMPING BOMBER! MADE IN JAPAN! THE AMERICAN DRAGON WON’T BE PUT DOWN LIKE THAT!

Drawing Bryan up, wrist-clutch, Danielson fighting back but Takagi knocks him down and hammers him with a sliding elbow into “Yes!” fingers! Hammer and anvil elbows, Bryan fading, sliding Pumping Bomber… DANIELSON COUNTERS INTO A FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Sitting down on it, shifting into an omoplata, looking to add the crossface but Shingo fights out!

Big elbow gets a punch, Takagi with a headbutt and Danielson crumbles! Fireman’s carry, slip out, flash roundhouse into the Regalplex! Bryan charging, Busaiku Knee… SHINGO TAKAGI KICKS OUT! BRYAN SAYS HE’S GOING TO KICK HIS FUCKING HEAD IN! WRIST-CLUTCH STOMPS, HAMMERING AWAY, ROLLING INTO A TRIANGLE CHOKE AND PUTTING THE POINT OF THE ELBOW INTO SHINGO’S SKULL!


Bryan Danielson wins by submission with a Fujiwara armbar.

Mina Shirakawa vs. Toni Storm (c) (AEW Women’s World Championship)

Collar and elbow, struggling, breaking it off, hip attack into clubbing blows from Storm! Whip across, shoulder block, Shirakawa slips out, sets up a Romero Special and dances before stomping the knees! Hoisting Toni up one shoulder, chucking her aside like a sack of potatoes!

Pulling Storm to the corner, setting up a ringpost figure four! Back inside, wrenching Toni’s knee over the ropes, dropkicking her, but Storm recovers and hip attacks her ot the floor in front of Mariah May! Hip attack, Shirakawa sidesteps and Toni’s hip goes into the steel! Mina off the top, plancha wipes both Toni and Luther out while May stands worried at ringside!

Back inside, Storm with a spinebuster out of the corner… NOPE! Mina gets her with a spin-out flapjack, figure four leglock applied in the middle of the ring! Out of that, up in the turnbuckles, jockeying for position, Shirakawa with a diving DDT, lifting DDT, cover for two!

Inverted facelock, Toni blocks, right hand, German suplex takes her off her feet! Back and forth, Mina recovers, Glamorous Driver… STORM KICKS OUT! Headbutts from the champion, duck an Uraken, snap off a German suplex, piledriver lift…

Toni Storm wins by pinfall with Storm Zero, retaining the AEW Women’s World Championship.

Post-match, Mariah May has a moment with Toni Storm and then Storm helps Mina Shirakawa up. Shirakawa offers a hand in respect and Toni takes it as May asks them to hug. They come in for a hug and then Mariah pulls both her girls in for a three-way kiss and y’know it’s wild but in all my years of polyamory and dating girls I’ve never once done a three-way kiss like that.

Anyway, my plans for later aside…!

Orange Cassidy vs. Zack Sabre, Jr.

Mat grappling back and forth early and Cassidy takes a breather on the floor. Back inside, Sabre with control of his arms, into a Japanese stranglehold, back and forth on it, ZSJ never out of control for long. Orange weasels his arms down and steps out and reverses into one of his own! Off the ropes, single leg into a leg drop, drop an elbow, side headlock applied!

Arm wringer, whip across, la casadora, victory roll, decisively into the pin but Zack rolls out and twists his neck with his feet! Single leg crab, shifting, into the full Boston Crab, then into a headscissors deathlock, Sabre rolls onto his belly and wrenches it in! Breaking loose, uppercuts, big dragon screw from Orange and Zack falls to the floor for a breather!

Cassidy with a suicide dive, dragon screw on the floor! Another leg whip, throwing Sabre into the ring, diving crossbody, ZSJ with a cravate but Orange nails him with another dragon screw! Reversals, Sabre with a sleeper hold but Cassidy slips out and hits a Michinoku Driver for two! DIVING DDT CAN’T PUT ZACK AWAY!

Orange Punch blocked, Sabre with a stomp to the elbow! Working the fingers… WISHBONE! Victory roll for two, ZSJ floats over after kicking out, trapping an arm, wrenching the other one, something of an inverted Rings of Saturn but Cassidy gets the ropes! Knucklelock, slap, Orange stomping the knee hard, Cloverleaf applied and Orange turns him over to apply it completely!

Double wristlock, reversed, Beach Break connects… NOT ENOUGH! Orange Punch gets a kick to the elbow! Sabre draws him up, Orange slips out, trading pinning predicaments, European Clutch… NOPE! European Clutch with hands in pockets from Orange… STILL NO! Another one, another nearfall!

Uppercuts, roll through a backslide, Mousetrap reversed, ZSJ with an armbar, arm-trap bow-and-arrow, deathlock… IT’S OVER!

Zack Sabre, Jr. wins by submission with a deathlock arm-trap bow-and-arrow.

Post-match, Zack gives Orange his sunglasses back as some kind of show of respect.

HOOK, Katsuyori Shibata, & Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Cobb & the Learning Tree (“Big” Bill Morrissey & Chris Jericho)

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