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Libra July 2024 Horoscope: Read Your Monthly Predictions



Libra July 2024 Horoscope: Read Your Monthly Predictions

Daniel Egneus

Read your sign’s 2024 horoscope to see what’s in store for you this year, or check out the Libra personality profile.

Welcome to July, Libra. June was a fun month, and hopefully, you partied with friends (and perhaps fairies) during Litha, aka Midsommar. July brings a state of calm and confidence to your professional life, along with more epic times with friends. Although, during the weekend of the Capricorn full moon, you might want to relax at home. There was one in the same ambitious sign last month, so think back to how that lunation affected you.

The first notable day of the month arrives on Tuesday, July 2 when the dreamy planet Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces and your 6th House of Health. Unlike Mercury retrogrades, which are short and intense, Neptune retrograde is a long, lethargic backward dance that lasts through December. Remember, your 6th House of Health isn’t a warning that illness is on the way; rather, with Neptune retrograding in this area of your chart, it indicates that you’re reevaluating your beauty routines, which is important for Libra, the sign ruled by lovely Venus. You’re happiest when you feel pretty, whatever your definition of that is. Switch up your hair color, get a beautiful piercing, and don’t feel selfish for indulging in rest and self-care. On this same date, messenger Mercury moves into your 11th House of Friendship, making it a beautiful time to get massages or manicures with friends.

An exciting dark new moon, the lunar phase associated with new beginnings, in Cancer, bringing fresh starts to your career on Friday, July 5. Keep your eye on your inbox for welcome news regarding work, finances, or opportunities regarding your creative hobby. It’s also just a great night for partying.

Then, on Tuesday, July 9, Pallas, the asteroid of wisdom, ends its retrograde and goes direct in Scorpio and your 2nd House of Possessions, likely helping you ease some financial worry, perhaps as a result of news that arrived during the Cancer new moon. While we can’t promise that this means money, Libra, as we must exist within the confines of our economy, there is a decent chance that it could mean at least budgeting or working with a financial advisor. Or, perhaps, you just remember that you’re a badass and doing better than you give yourself credit for.

Make sure to text back any friends you left on read, or better yet, make some plans to celebrate life together.

One of July’s cosmic lessons is to remember the importance of your chosen family. When your ruling planet, sweet Venus, moves into your 11th House of Friendship on Thursday, July 11, make sure to text back any friends you left on read, or better yet, make some plans to celebrate life together. You only live once. At times, during July, you may find yourself feeling broody, especially once the warrior planet Mars moves into your heady 9th House of Philosophy on Saturday, July 20. When you start to feel like this, fight the angst by connecting with friends and becoming more involved in life.

However, you have cosmic permission to stay in during the Capricorn full moon that lights up your 4th House of Home and Family on Sunday, July 21. Full moons are primal times that can leave everyone on edge, and with your 4th House in the spotlight, silly fights with roommates, partners, or anyone who feels like home are possible. It’s an ideal night to get cozy with a book, your favorite TV show, and a glass of wine or cup of tea.

However, while the Capricorn full moon may activate your inner hermit, it’s a fleeting feeling. When the sun moves into your 11th House of Friendship, kicking off bold and outgoing Leo season on Monday, July 22, it’s once again best to schedule time out with friends. When chatty Mercury moves into its home sign of Virgo on Thursday, July 25, you may feel another slight bout of anxiety, and rather than give into it, get out of your head by connecting with others. The importance of relationships (and you’re the sign of relationships, Libra) is reiterated on Friday, July 26, when Chiron, the wounded healer of the zodiac, goes retrograde in your 7th House of Partnership, bringing healing to any trauma you have around relationships, and helping you see the magic in all of your favorite people.

Important dates in July 2024:

Tuesday, July 2: Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces
Tuesday, July 2: Mercury enters Leo
Friday, July 5: New moon in Cancer
Tuesday, July 9: Pallas goes direct in Scorpio
Thursday, July 11: Venus enters Leo
Saturday, July 20: Mars enters Gemini 
Sunday, July 21: Full moon in Capricorn
Monday, July 22: Sun enters Leo 
Thursday, July 25: Mercury enters Virgo
Friday, July 26: Chiron goes retrograde in Aries

To see monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, check out our full list of July 2024 horoscopes.

Originally Appeared on Allure

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