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Call of Duty | Guides – Modern Warfare III Multiplayer Map Guide — Incline



Call of Duty | Guides – Modern Warfare III Multiplayer Map Guide — Incline

1. Right place, right weapon. Generally, mid- and long-ranged weapons perform best outside while close-ranged weapons rule the map’s small interior spaces. Snipers looking for longshots on the northern Road would do well to bring a Handgun or Melee Secondary Weapon as backup.


2. Guns up. There’s not much time between engagements on this high-octane map, so the readier you are, the better. Avoid sprinting around corners or reloading in the open and check your minimap for clues as to where the enemy is most likely to appear next. Be prepared when they do.


3. Clear the air. Bring along the Stormender Launcher to decimate enemy equipment and aerial streaks so that you and your team can stay focused on the ground. Pair it with the Scorestreaks setting to inch closer to your next streak every time you disable enemy electronics.


4. Heat it up. There’s nothing like the JAK Purifier Aftermarket Part to heat things up on this icy map. Attach it to a supported Assault Rifle for a lethal close-ranged option when squeezing through small spots like Research or Mountain Rescue.


5. Next stop: B flag. The suspended Cable Car offers the perfect defensive position over the B flag in Domination. The side views look over both ends of the Gantry with the flag positioned just out of view on the path’s lower portion. Even better, pair up with a teammate to cover the Station-facing windows.


6. Use the latest tools. Look out for the JAK Gunslinger and other Aftermarket Parts arriving via Weekly Challenges in Season 4. The Gunslinger offers a major increase to the Basilisk Handgun’s rate of fire, while others may be perfect for competing in the map’s many tight spaces.


7. Opposites attract. Send an Operator with the new Reclaimer 18 Shotgun to the Station’s northern Side Exit while another covers the Road with a Sniper Rifle. Communicate and cut off enemies from close and long range, leaving them scrambling to find a path through.


8. Tactical retreat. While aggressive play wins the day, you’ve got to be smart, too. If you turn the corner into a mob of enemies, pull back behind cover and make them come to you, ideally once you’ve repositioned near some teammates.


9. Red light ambush. The alcove with the red light in the Lower Gantry marks a strong ambush point against enemies moving in from the sides and the Station. Use it to take out passing enemies and look to the area when nearby to avoid the same fate.  


10. Call for help. On small maps like Incline, it can be easy to get distracted and drop the objective in favor of racking up eliminations. Combine a high streak with objective play that wins the match by calling out threats and opportunities to keep your squad focused.


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