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John Bolton: Trump Supporters ‘Deceiving’ People, Foreign Policy Under Trump ‘Not Going To Be Pretty’



John Bolton: Trump Supporters ‘Deceiving’ People, Foreign Policy Under Trump ‘Not Going To Be Pretty’

Ambassador John Bolton warned that foreign policy in a potential second term Trump administration is “not going to be pretty” as he criticized the former president’s supporters for “deceiving people” for suggesting a second term would be “rational.”

The Republican, ex-national security adviser to former President Donald Trump’s White House, also said that voters should be “worried” about what the Trump “strategy” might look like toward Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, who he said Trump “considers his best friends.”

Bolton made the comments during an interview with CNN Newsnight host Abby Phillip on Thursday.

PHILLIP: Ambassador Bolton, former President Trump said in an interview tonight… he once again praised Kim Jong un, the North Korean leader. And this comes right after Vladimir Putin and Kim just struck this week a defense deal. I wonder, what does the alliance between Kim and Putin look like if Trump is elected again? He seems to constantly want to butter up this dictator.BOLTON: Well, the Putin-Kim meeting in Korea was really a get-together of two of the people in the world Donald Trump considers his best friends. Remember he said of Kim Jong Un, ‘we fell in love’ and he was happy about that. So, when you see that military partnership, that relationship, the security relationship between Moscow and Pyongyang progressing and you see the unity, the public display of unity behind Moscow’s war against Ukraine, this is definitely

something to be worried about.I mean, you hear a lot of Trump advocates trying to reassure people by saying the second term is not going to look like the first term, it’s going to be rational foreign policy. I think that they’re deceiving people, perhaps unconsciously, perhaps hoping, but hope isn’t a strategy when it comes to Trump that this is the look of American foreign policy and it’s not going to be pretty.

Watch above on CNN.

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