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28 pairs of abundantly cool sunglasses at Milan Fashion Week



28 pairs of abundantly cool sunglasses at Milan Fashion Week

Sunglasses are magical. Transformative, even. Because in just one easy move, you go from a hangover walk to the petrol station to a Hollywood guy incognito. They’re shutters to the soul. They create enigma. They make you look impossibly cool – and nowhere was that power more on display than at Milan Fashion Week.

As the menswear crowd move from Italy to France, they leave behind a trail of sick sunglasses. And, unlike the techno boy wraparounds of recent years, most were classic; less Adonis at 4am and more prix fixe menu on Rue du Rivoli.

So just as the sun hits these anaemic shores, get your sunglasses moobdboard pinned up with the below – and always remember to walk from car to restaurant with the confidence of someone with a travelling paparazzi corps.

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