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Hoyer Statement On The May 2024 Jobs Report – The BayNet



Hoyer Statement On The May 2024 Jobs Report – The BayNet

WASHINGTON — Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (MD-05) released the following statement today on the May jobs report:

“Today’s job report shows that since President Biden took office, we have added a historic ​15.6 million jobs, including ​272,000 in May alone, and seen 40 months of consecutive job growth.

“After years of crisis – from the COVID-19 pandemic to the Russian invasion of Ukraine – many could not imagine how our economy could rebound. Now, the American economy is the envy of the world, with millions of Americans applying to start small businesses, wages rising faster than inflation, and the unemployment rate continuing to stay historically low, below 4% for more than two years. Democrats know many hardworking Americans are still struggling, which is why we continue to take action to lower their costs on everything from health care to energy to prescription drugs. You should never have to decide whether to pay your rent, feed your family, or afford your medication.

“As the House has worked on Fiscal Year 2025 appropriations in recent weeks, many Republicans have demonstrated their continued disregard for the integrity of our economy. They have put forward legislation that would undermine the Federal Trade Commission, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and other agencies that work to lower Americans’ costs. These federal agencies protect Americans from fraud, scams, and exploitation – whether it’s a supermarket monopoly inflating grocery costs or oil and gas companies gouging prices at the pump. Underfunding these agencies is not fiscal responsibility; it’s fiscal negligence. I will continue working with Democrats to ensure our government has the resources necessary to enforce our financial laws and go after those who break it.”

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