20 years of supporting Spain’s economic growth and investing in its infrastructure | Macquarie Group

Accessing international markets
As well as helping international investors enter the Spanish market, Macquarie’s offering in Spain helps connect local clients with its international hedging and financing capabilities. In the financial markets sector, the Commodities and Global Markets business provides hedging solutions on FX and Rates as well as structured lending, securitisation and distribution services to Spanish corporates, institutional clients, non-Bank lending platforms and football clubs across the country.
“We are now expanding our FX and Rates expertise and market capabilities in the mid-cap sector with sponsors, private equity firms and institutional clients across energy, infrastructure and commodities” says Miguel Palacio Hurle, a Managing Director in Commodities and Global Markets.
“We also offer bespoke financing structures which are innovative and flexible,” adds Ezequiel Weppler, a Managing Director in Commodities and Global Markets. Acknowledging the team’s ability to finance a range of portfolios of real and financial assets including autos, residential mortgages, real estate and SME’s loans via securitisation, warehousing, seasoning and term financing facilities.
An example, of a novel piece of financing recently structured by the Commodities and Global Markets securitisation team was a €150 million Senior warehousing facility for a real estate fund that was acquiring and renovating single dwelling units for the specific purpose of affordable rental living across Spain. By pre-agreeing an underwriting criteria for the properties and tenants, the fund could draw on the financing to purchase properties without incurring the added cost and time of negotiating a mortgage with a standard bank. “This provides the sponsor with certainty and speed to execute their portfolio’s growth plans, bringing newly renovated housing into the Spanish market at competitive rental rates,” says Weppler.