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NATO support for Ukraine remains in focus as leaders hold last day of talks



NATO support for Ukraine remains in focus as leaders hold last day of talks

It was a very unusual statement that NATO released, castigating China for its ongoing support of Russia in its war on Ukraine.

Now, throughout the years, NATO has remained pretty silent on the issue of China, not wishing to antagonise that country, given the relations that a number of NATO members have with it.

But this joint statement was very sharply critical of China, and NATO as a whole is now moving towards the US position on China.

So certainly, there is a threat contained in that NATO statement, saying that there will be consequences for China’s military support of Russia.

What that means isn’t exactly clear, but reading between the lines, is the possibility of sanctions being imposed, just as the US has done on various occasions.

So this is very much a coming together of NATO around the position established by the US with regards not only to Russia, but also now to China.

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