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Wednesday Woozles: More Woozles With Very Important Jobs



Wednesday Woozles: More Woozles With Very Important Jobs

Hello, Peeps.

A gentle reminder of how we do things:  🐱🐶🐦

  • Do not troll the diary. If you hate pootie diaries, leave now. No harm, no foul.
  • Please do share pics of your fur kids!  If you have health/behavior issues with your pets, feel free to bring it to the community.
  • Pooties are cats; Woozles are dogs.  Birds… are birds! Peeps are people.
  • Whatever happens in the outer blog STAYS in the outer blog.  If you’re having “issues” with another Kossack, keep it “out there.” This is a place to relax and play; please treat it accordingly.
  • There are some pics we never post:  snakes, creepy crawlies, any and all photos that depict or encourage human cruelty toward animals.  These are considered “out of bounds” and will not be tolerated.  If we alert you to it, please remember that we do have phobic peeps who react strongly to them.  If you keep posting banned pics…well then…the Tigress will have to take matters in hand.  Or, paw.  

My kitties Olivia, Rogan and Minty went to the vet this morning. Rogan and Minty were just there for their annual tune-ups. They also got their rabies shots. Twenty-two pounds! That’s what Rogan weighs now. They also did not want to come out of their pet carrier. Rogan tore the door off of it on his way out.

As for Olivia, she was squeezed in for her anorexia. The last time she saw a vet he ruled out almost everything but pain. Her vet suggested a 30 day shot of steroids. He said it was dirt cheap. However, I asked about a shot of Solensia. I said an online friend had good luck with it. My vet said while it didn’t have any appetite stimulating properties it was good for getting to the source of Olivia’s arthritis pain. I chose to fork over the dough for that. I don’t know how long it takes to work but Olivia already scarfed down a bowl of dry food. Let’s hope she starts eating again before she wastes away.

Now on to the body of the diary.

Office Manager
Therapy Woozles
Mechanic’s Assistant
Postal Clerk
Gym Assistant
Hospital Assistant
Customer Service Worker
Funeral Home Comforter
Printing Shop Desk Worker
Psychiatrist’s Office Emotional Support Woozle
Bar Security
Body Shop Assistant
Cast Members in The Last of Us 2
K-9 Cop Rookies
Science Teacher’s Assistant
Hotel Greeter
Auto Shop Assistant
Ski Resort’s Epileptic Skier’s Assistant

So what’s happening with your critters?

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