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Hayden firefighters could lose jobs, fire station could close if levy isn’t passed | FOX 28 Spokane



Hayden firefighters could lose jobs, fire station could close if levy isn’t passed | FOX 28 Spokane

HAYDEN, Idaho – 12 Northern Lakes Firefighters could lose their jobs and the districts new fire station, that isn’t even completely built yet, could close if Kootenai County voters fail to pass a two year, $3.5 million override levy in November.

“It’s direly critical that we retain these 12 people, not only for public safety of the people that we serve but to be able to provide aid to other agencies that are in the exact same boat that we’re in right now,” Northern Lakes Fire Chief Pat Riley said Tuesday.

The fire district has tried to run levies in the past, but have had no luck. This year’s levy is important, according to Chief Riley, because the grant money they had applied for to cover a portion of operational costs will run out.

If the levy fails, the district loses 12 firefighters and the new fire station near Silverwood, Chief Riley says it will take longer for his crew to respond to emergencies.

“Our response times would increase dramatically and, additionally, we wouldn’t be able to handle what we call concurrent calls,” Chief Riley said. “It would be heartbreaking on a personal note for me to have to let them go, and professionally it’s no position a fire chief or administrator wants to be in.”

“It’s not really even, for a lack of trying. We’ve tried. I, personally, have testified down in Boise at the statehouse to change the funding mechanism to relieve the burden on the taxpayers,” Chief Riley said, however, the state legislature has been “unwilling.”

If you would like more information on this levy or have input, Chief Riley said he’s more than happy to talk to you.


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