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Do You Play Any Video Games For Fitness?



Do You Play Any Video Games For Fitness?

What Series Would You Like To See Adapted Into A Warriors Game?

Fire Emblem Warriors. Hyrule Warriors. One Piece: Pirate Warriors. Dynasty Warriors: Gundam. And more. Koei has taken several prominent franchises and applied the “Dynasty Warriors” formula to them: large iconic casts brought together in hack-and-slash action against hundreds of foes in massive fields. What should Koei adapt next?

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Who Did You Romance First In Baldur’s Gate 3?

Baldur’s Gate 3 will go down in history as one of the defining games of the 2020s, due in no small part to the depth of its characters. Falling in love with them isn’t hard – in fact, it feels encouraged – but most players have one companion with whom they were immediately smitten. Who was your first BG3 paramour?

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What Is Your All-Time Favorite Portable Console?

The portable console market has a pretty unique history. Has it been largely dominated by Nintendo consoles? Absolutely. However, there were still plenty of worthy non-Nintendo contenders like the Turbo Express, Game Gear, PSP, and Vita. But which portable console do you feel the strongest about? What is your all-time favorite handheld gaming system?

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Have You Ever Realized That You Were Playing A Game All Wrong?

Games can be complex things. They often have a number of unique and interesting mechanics stacked on top of each other. Have you ever realized once you were deep into a game that you had been completely ignoring a vital mechanic? Tell us all about it!

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What Is Your Ideal Setting For The Elder Scrolls 6?

Yeah, it’s probable that The Elder Scrolls VI is taking players to either Hammerfell, High Rock, or a mixture of the two. But if you could decide on the game’s location, would you choose someplace else?

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Was The Nintendo 64 A Disappointment?

There is no question that the Nintendo 64 has some legendary games attached to it. In a vacuum, this would be a preposterous question. But the thing is, the N64 was Nintendo’s follow-up to the Super Nintendo, which inarguably has a much larger, and more impactful library of games. Additionally, the N64 was extremely light on a variety of game types, including JRPGs during a generation that was known for JRPGs. So, with all that in mind… Was the N64 a disappointment?

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